Every time I see an Instagram shot of someone's studio, I go a little nuts inside. This is what we're working with over here, the kitchen counter where we eat taken over by paper, paper and more paper from after breakfast until dinner time. Peaceful looking, isn't it? You can't see what's going on behind me in this shot, but it's the hundreds of rolls of crepe and half-finished blossoms and it's just crazy. This is why I haven't done my favorite round up posts in so long. Nothing to see here.
San Francisco real estate and rents being what they are, combined with the impractical amount of time it takes me to finish each of the pieces and then sell them means I'm not moving this rig out of here anytime soon. So yesterday I finished my application for a grant offered through the Sustainable Arts Foundation. They award very generously sized grants for artists and writers with families. I realize I should've mentioned this sooner, in case you would have liked to apply, because the deadline is today. They do offer this grant twice a year, so you should consider signing up for their mailing list for the next one if you are interested.
I applied last fall and did not receive an award. But this grant was designed for people like me. People who have a ton of things they would love to study with their work but have no time and especially no space. Some of the essays in the grant application ask you to write about how your family affects your ability to do work. Of course I wrote about the constrictions on our space, as I do everything right on our kitchen counter and we are all going bonkers because of it.
So, I am hoping that they notice me and my work, and that they see it as more than just window dressing, which is definitely something I'm trying to address as I create each piece I'm working on right now. I have SO much more I'd love to study with these pieces. Pods, seeds, decay, wilting, the amazing "organized chaos" that is nature! David and I have basically planned out all the best ways to use the award for all it was meant to be used for, so our fingers are crossed.
It was exciting to put together the writing and the portfolio, regardless of what happens. I was able to add a lot more to my CV and my portfolio since the fall. (Wow, have I been busy!)
That's all for now. Below is a screen shot showing the beginning of my new portfolio, formatted for the grant application. There are few new pieces in there that I am really proud of.
Have a great, fun weekend (do it for me)!