

He loves 'em. We night weaned Oliver four months ago, give or take. Now I get up forty five minutes early to nurse him in the morning, as that's what he gave me in exchange for a good night's sleep. If I'm out in the evening and unable to nurse him before bed, he might take in return the next morning an hour or more in the "atayse" chair, as he has termed it. 

I have a mild disdain for unoriginal blog content, specifically photographing the interior of a beautiful vintage children's book and posting it. Some of my favorite bloggers do it. It's such great eye candy, but it's so pervasive these days. I still enjoy very much the blogs where I've seen this, don't get me wrong.

This is the outside of the book, so hopefully I didn't just lure you in here with a pair of big, red, crosshatched breasts, but instead with the sweet face of a little boy reading a book about his favorite things.


  1. I love it. haven't seen that book. My breasts are feeling overused these days...

  2. Awesome! I'm not sure how I we missed that book! I miss nursing/and I don't ; ) I did a lot of nursing while laying down - that was the best!

  3. So great! Get these pictures framed and put them in your house somewhere!

  4. This is wonderful! I will have to remember this book if we ever have another child. Or, I might just look it up in the inter-library system for me. :)

  5. Isn't it great? Thanks for taking a peek, everyone!

    I love that this post compelled people to comment. Go breasts!

  6. Next on the suggested reading,


  7. Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi. Yes, we get that at the library sometimes and at first glance at I thought this book was by the same author because of the cover font and graphics. Great book!


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