
the randall museum

There are many places in a city you probably don't discover until you have children. The Randall Museum is one of those places. Oliver and I spent the morning there one day last week, looking at the animals and playing with the toys. This place is a total gem, from all the fun stuff inside, to the amazing views, to the fact that it might have on it's grounds the only dog poop-free grass in all of San Francisco. 

We had a picnic afterwards, and as Oliver was about to take another bite of watermelon, he said to me "this is wonderful". ♥


  1. Looks like fun.
    Loved the picture of the little hand petting the rabbit-adorable.

    1. Thanks, LT. I had to edit edit edit, because a little guy with fuzzy animals produces SUPER adorable photos!

  2. Goddamnit I love that kid! I call dibs on any godparent openings.

    1. I find Michael's comments wonderful as well.

    2. I'll keep that in mind, Mike....I know he' d be more than happy about that. ;)

  3. Oliver says profound things. I found his hat wonderful as well.

    1. I know, RDK! The hits keep coming with this one! Having the word "actually" come out of his mouth while changing his diaper is surreal. The other day he said to me, very loudly "YOU ARE IN-SANE!". Clearly, mommy has been saying that too much around here! ;)

  4. Looks like a fun time and I love when little kids use "big" words! My 4 year old has come up with some gems recently and I forget them!

    1. I know! I just gave a few examples to Red Dirt Kelly, which were all I can remember, too!

  5. What fun! Love the first picture - well done.

  6. Honolulu has a great children's museum too although more science theory, less nature. The cpa firm I used to work at used to lend us out as volunteers. This place looks great. Confession...I sometimes visit kids stuff anyway...like disneyland on my honeymoon. The big rides weren't what I liked best, it's a small world was more my speed.

  7. Disneyland on a honeymoon actually sounds really great to me. It's amazing how adult friendly it is. It's really done right. How sweet!

    This museum is just a tiny little place (besides the giant pottery and woodworking studios and model railroad in the basement. S.F. has some larger museums for kids. But my favorite in the states is the Boston Museum of Science. Volunteering sounds fun!


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