
paper flower headpiece class

I taught my first paper flower headpiece class last week at Makeshift Society in San Francisco. Carte Fini supplied me with a good portion of the crepe paper I used to make a basket full of paper flowers ahead of time and also a lot of the paper we used that night (and we used a lot of paper), so thank you to Carte Fini, you know I love you!

I met a lot of really nice women in the class and although it got pretty hectic for me at the end, I think it went pretty well. I don't know if you know this, but it turns out you can learn a lot about how to teach by teaching! I made some notes after class on what went well and what things might require more thorough instruction so I'll know how to do it better the next time.

Photos by Christine Bohn of Makeshift Society.

Speaking of the next time, I'm going to run this class again on Sunday, October 27th at the newly opened Handcraft Studio School in Emeryville, CA. We are going to have three hours this time to get everything done (as opposed to the two hours that stretched to almost three at Makeshift). I will also be offering another class at Makeshift Society featuring a seasonal project, but we are still hammering out the details on that one, so I'll let you know more when it's all sorted out.

To sign up for the paper flower headpiece class at Handcraft Studio School, send an email to Marie at info@handcraftstudioschool.com and she will get you signed up. 

Here are some more photos from the class. I hope you can join me next time, it's a fun way to spend a few hours. With the holidays coming I'll be shifting the palette a little, but I'll bring enough pink pompom fringe and coral crepe paper that you can still make a bright and playful headpiece if you'd like!

Photos by Lisa Milestone of Pippa & Co..

Photos from Lauren Crow (except the adorable one in the corner OF Lauren Crow), the amazing artist, performer, photographer and all around too-gifted-for-her-young-age lady about town.

(L) Illustrator Nicky Ovitt's amazingly inventive piece, and photo of said piece;
(R) me, mid-sentence.

Photos by Laura Monfredini of elle PHOTOGRAPHS.

The flowers I brought with me, almost all made from the same general technique.


  1. A wonderful workshop to be sure, Tiffanie! But then, I'd sign up for an underwear darning class if you were teaching it! I love my flowers and new paper skills, met some lovely ladies and you're an excellent instructor. xxx

    1. Haha, I will consider an underwear darning class, then! Thank you for your faith in me, it means a lot, Nicky! xoxo


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